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Komisi Eksekutif Kongres AS untuk Tiongkok Menyerukan PKT untuk Berhenti Menganiaya Falun Gong

30 Juli 2022 |   Oleh koresponden Minghui Wang Ying

(Minghui.org) Dengan penganiayaan terhadap Falun Gong yang masih berlangsung setelah 23 tahun, Komisi Eksekutif Kongres AS untuk Tiongkok (CECC) mentweet pada 20 Juli 2022 untuk menyerukan Partai Komunis Tiongkok (PKT) menghentikan penganiayaan dan membebaskan semua praktisi yang dipenjara.

Tweet CECC berbunyi, “Selama 23 tahun terakhir, pemerintah Tiongkok telah melakukan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia yang mengerikan terhadap praktisi Falun Gong dalam upaya untuk memberantas latihan tersebut. Pelanggaran ini harus diakhiri dan semua tahanan dibebaskan. Kami mendesak PBB untuk sepenuhnya menyelidiki kejahatan yang sedang berlangsung di Tiongkok.”

Dalam tweet lain, CECC menuntut PKT segera membebaskan Xu Na [wanita], Deng Cuiping [wanita] dan Bian Lichao [pria], serta semua praktisi yang ditahan, termasuk mereka yang ada di Database Tahanan Politik mereka yang dapat dicari.

The CECC demands the release of detained Falun Gong practitioners, including Ms. Xu Na (left), Ms. Deng Cuiping (top right) and Mr. Bian Lichao (bottom right)

Ms. Xu is a renowned artist in Beijing. Because of her faith in Falun Gong, she has been arrested and detained many times. For providing shelter to other practitioners in 2001, she was sentenced to five years. Her husband, Mr. Yu Zhou, was tortured to death months before the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Her latest arrest took place on July 19, 2020. She was sentenced to eight years on January 14, 2022, weeks before the Winter Olympics in Beijing.

Ms. Deng was an elementary school teacher in Yuxi City, Yunnan Province. She had her home ransacked in August 1999 and October 2000. She was arrested on April 8, 2006 and sentenced to three years at the Yunnan Province No. 2 Women’s Prison. She was fired by her school and lived a destitute life. She was arrested again on July 24, 2016 and later sentenced to another six years.

Mr. Bian Lichao, a former middle school teacher in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, was sentenced to 12 years in 2012. His wife and daughter were both targeted for trying to rescue him. His wife, Ms. Zhou Xiuzhen, also a former teacher, was sentenced to four years in August 2015. She developed a liver condition while in custody and passed away shortly after being released.